Primary fun
Congratulations, Susan, on your mid-terms! What a relief to have that out of the way, at least for a while.
Well, I love my calling teaching primary to the 6-8 year olds. Today when I arrived at Primary opening exercises, one of the 6-year old kids in my class gave me two sheets of paper. One of them had my name, "Brother Kemony" with 1 sentence "I love church." The other page also had my name, and was simply a list of about 10 math problems. She got all the problems correct, except 1: she had "8+8=12."
Also, today during Primary sharing time we were talking about advice that President Hinckley has given to members of the church, and why we should follow it. The teacher asked "what kinds of movies has the Prophet told us we we should watch?" One of the 5 year olds yelled out "Jesus movies!" I nearly busted up laughing, it was so cute. But it's also so very true... We should be watching more Jesus movies I suppose. Out of the mouths of babes...
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