
I had my massage today. I've had some serious back pain and neck tension these past months so I booked a full ninety minutes of deep tissue massage and explained very specifically that what I wanted was my neck and shoulders and upper back done. Anouk, my massage therapist said "sure, and I like to do a full body massage since it's most therapeutic and we have time." Uh, no. Anouk was friendly and the massage was relaxing but it accomplished very little. She did not actually do what I consider deep-tissue, she basically did gentle swedish massage and spent way too much time on my hands. I had to ask her twice to forego the feet and keep working on my shoulders. I kept telling her and showing her where I needed and asking her for more pressure, but to no avail. Some people have their own massage schtick and that's the only note they play. Speaking of playing notes, she kept laughing at the classical music CD I selected and fast-forwarding past tracks she didn't like. :( I was parched the whole time and afterward I asked her for some water and she gave me a plastic cup with a hair in it from the salon upstairs. >:(
Honestly, the best part of the massage was after she left and I massaged my own shoulders for 5 minutes. The knots were all there, exactly as they had been before I came. Maybe I'm just too picky. I love my old therapist from Palo Alto, Betina. A little woman who dug into my kinks with so much of her body weight that I couldn't lean up against anything for a day afterward. Bless that woman! That's my idea of deep-tissue massage. I don't get massages that often because they're expensive and if all I wanted was to relax in the dark listening to music, I'd just go take a nap. So when I do get them I want results, and today I was disappointed.
On a happier note, I booked our room for 2 nights next weekend at a Bed and Breakfast in the bay-front town of St. Michaels, Maryland. Kent's excited about this weekend birthday excursion. The manager emailed me this picture of the room we get. And now, I must do some homework. I really must.
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